My concern especially is where Black people as a whole are in the picture of things, we have allowed this world to dupe and bamboozle us again and again. Every Black History Month we're always talking about Black unity and Black folk coming together and a Black agenda. And year after year we do nothing, sure as a 36 year old Black man in America--I am grateful for the Civil Rights movement but what did it really get us? Many of the old Civil Rights Champions of the 60's regret the movement believe it or not. Why? Although we got rid of racial segregation, fought for the right to vote, etc. it ultimately killed the Black Community as we know it. We use to have hotels, motels, stores, etc. you name it-now we have very few Black businesses and our money goes out our community like 40 going north! But yet we got the Oprah's, MJ's of the world and a few of those of us who have some money but the whole of our people are still broke. We love giving our money away to other's versus giving it to ourselves, we make these big companies richer and richer cause we're worried about the latest style. We have let this world put our people into an even deeper coma today. Some of you may get mad at me for this statement but I'm in a Riley from Boondocks mood this morning!!! "I'm so damn tired of luke-warm niggas and their tired ass behavior that it is driving me crazy and that includes me." We continue to procrastinate as if we have a lot time to get our houses in order with God!
Granted this all may seem like I am painting a dark and bleak picture but it is the reality that we see every day--even with the first elected Black President in office. In reality, nothing has changed--I'm excited for President Obama and thankful for his leadership but I know he's not the real power in charge. America has a deep history to say the least where we're concerned and I know by him being in office doesn't change the landscape totally. Bottom-line is we have to do for ourselves, we have to save ourselves. To many great one's have come among us giving us warning after warning and we're in the Final Call of that warning. God is not going to wait on us any longer at some point even God's mercies run out so teaches the scriptures. I'm a working diligently on myself first and then spreading it to those in my family and friends circle because time is of the essence and we must get movin'!
To God Be the Glory!
Bro. Lamon
Shattered our community on many levels. Yeah we got rights but in the process we lost US...
Amen to that... legal system sucks... people killing each other for dumb reasons... taxes killing people... unemployment rate is at a new high... cutting funding for low income housing assistance when it is needed most... when will it end... we will get there with prayer and God Divine Grace.
but it is true everyone is walking around doing what they want and wondering why things are happening to them or just happening Duh! because you are not doing right by God, yourself/others... Galatians 6:7-8, Reaping What We Sow
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