"I think celebrating "his" death is barbaric."
For many the death of the notorious villian Osama Bin Laden brought on a sense of closure and payback for many, for one of the worst tragedies to occur on American soil. And for some, it brought on a sense of contempt, not from an un-patriotic point of view but from a critical examination point of view. Justifiable so, many would say "why ask questions, this is the man who killed Americans, let's just be glad he's dead!" And then there are those who'd say "why not ask questions, there's always more than meets the eye." In the week that has passed since learning of the death of Ben Laden many accounts and re-accounts of how the man's demise came about have been thrown in the air. Which has caused much confusion and speculation. The public will never know the true account by which he was captured and brought to death. Which is why we as Americans and people of the World community must continue to engage in this type of critical public discourse. Furthermore, the critical discourse is needed because over time we tend to sweep the conversations and things we're not so proud of under the rug. Also, because we tend let our tragedies dictate our response and create a furious fervor without questioning the context.
Pittsburgh Steelers superstar running back Rashard Mendenhall questioned the celebration of Bin Ladens' death like some but because of his superstar status has been scrutinized as un-patriotic and even lost endorsements. Hey wait a minute, I thought we lived in a country where free speech and critical discourse was ok? I suppose not or else you'll be vilified! WOW!!! I hate to say it but "The Champ" Muhammad Ali said it best "Still a nigger, brother!" Free speech in this country means nothing anymore especially if you're Black and happen to be an athlete--you'll be black-balled like Mendenhall for speaking out! Not to say that this only happens to Blacks whom speak out but it seems the venom is a lot more poisonous where we are concerned.
"This whole business with Bin Laden's death doesn't jive with many, because they have the wit and courage to acknowledge that what we get from the media/government is a well designed story, much like the fables we learned in grade school. ...Bottom line is we don't really know how long Bin Laden has been dead, or the circumstances of his demise. Furthermore, we will never know the true depths of his sin and saintdom... Especially, given that he has become the archetype to substantiate the slaughtering of hundreds of thousands of domestic and international lives, when just a few generations ago Bin Laden and the US's oil families were thick as thieves. These are not-so-popular known facts are deliberately lost when the spin-masters report the 'News.'"
I've always been is support of our troops because they're the one's who stick their necks out but I don't trust the boys that push the buttons! We should be careful in this hour!!!
I was saying the same thing. He should have known that his comments/views would have been taken out of context. We should start a professional tweeting service for athletes cause these nuccas losing all types of endorsements trying to be philosophers. #Mo'MoneyMo'Money
Crazy!!! Makes no sense to me.
Do you think he should've just keep quite?
He should be able to speak his mind just like anyone else. We shouldn't always sensor people because they are athletes, if he had some dangerous radical views then that could be a no go for a brand when it comes to advertising but as a per...son he should be able to say what he thinks. Even if you don't agree with someones view they have every right to that view. Kills me how homoginized we can be especially when it comes to pro sports.
Funny thing is we were talking about the same thing (how we Americans were celebrating like that and how embarrassing it was), but I think as an athlete, he should have known better, or at least figured out better choice words to get his point out. Losing his endorsement and calling him "unpatriotic" was over the top, but c'mon son...are we really surprised?!
I think he had a right to say what he said. But I also think the company had a right to pull the endorsement. I believe that if Rashard feels that strongly about these issues that he should stand by them and not want to associate himself ...with a company that doesn't stand with his values.
I don't agree with some of the comments that he made (I don't necessarily agree with the 9/11 truther consipiracies). But I think he made a number of critical points. We clearly don't know what happened in the execution of Bin Laden---the story has changed significantly. I do agree that the death of Bin Laden is not a time for celebration, but a moment for reflection.
I agree with Bro. Smith...there was a way to make some of these comments without losing his sponsorship. I wish I could have advised him on a more savvy way to deliver his messages.
He should be able to speak his mind. I don't think he said anything crazy. Its a shame that he is being ridiculed for NOT celebrating a murder, and yes that's what it was
To be fair Sis. Andrews, he said more than we shouldn't celebrate the murder of Bin Laden.
@Atty. Lyke I know he said a lot more and I agree with some of those other things. There are more news outlets than the mainstream ones that people watch or subscribe to; the truth is often censored and buried under political agendas. You don't have to agree with me but I'm speaking of what I believe to be true.
Sis. Andrews, I know Atty. Lyke knows the rub... you hit the nail on the head though of how the mainstream covers the truth up. Especially, to help push a politically corrupt, corporate monetary mob action, and false flag military opera...tion program. And if as American citizens we can no longer speak on such things w/o being called un-patriotic then we're doomed! Which is why I asked the question Is our free humanity, civil liberties, and human rights in jeopardy of being taken? Again as I've said before we must be very careful during this time because the end game is on!!!
Atty. Lyke, I can go along for a few ticks with you for the sake of the young brotha keeping his endoresments... he could have said it in a more palatable way. But that let's me know we are still in a form of slavery--when we have to still watch what we say so we don't piss masta off cause we're afraid that he'll take our golden fried chicken and buttered biscuit away!
I agree we're still in a form of slavery...but slaves to whom? the endorsement company, or the almighty dollar?
Both!!! The dollar for sure and the pay master aka the endorsement company!!!
Here is the issue Lamon, freedom of speech gives you the right to say whatever you want without going to Jail or having to face legal action. It does not give you Freedom of consequence from what you say. To be honest, noone should care w...hat he says because he is an Athlete, but that is not the case. What he said was stupid and his timing was way off. I dont feel sorry for him. Athletes today live in a Twitter, Blogging, Facebook, world there is no mistaken there words for they write them. And, I dont think it was him questioning the celebrations of Bin Ladens death. The comment that was worse was questioning 9/11 and the matter in which it happened. What's next from Mr. Mendenhall there was no Halocaust?
Tony, I agree in part that the timing of his comments may have been off but I don't agree with your statement that "no one should care what he says because he is an Athlete." Now, I'm not comparing him (Mendenhall) to Ali but you better be... sure the public and those in power cared about what Ali had to say and did for that matter when he made the statements about Vietnam. We all know that 9/11 was a tragic event to say the lease but that does not mean, we shouldn't question the circumstances surrounding that tragic event, especially when there is well documented evidence that suggests foul play and a false flag agenda.
We are such hypocirtes. A nation made up of mostly Christians, celebreating death. Actually, that is quite scary. I ain't celebrating nothing!
Thanks for this post. Throughout this bin Laden affair, I kept thinking: what ever happened to fair trials? We just assassinate folks and the nations goes into a celebratory frenzy.
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