Here's a thought... As a people who have been enslaved, taken from their original land, forced to live in a strange land with a new name, religion, and way of life. Do we make concessions for the initiators of our torment? Or is just forgiveness?

Such as: The mythical and preposterous version of the Virgin Birth of Mary, Jesus' b-day as December 25th, The symbol of the "Cross" representing Christ instead of the Fish, The belief in the Trinity as Father, Son, & Holy Spirit are all One and last but not least Sunday as the Sabbath instead of Saturday. None of this is true so-called Christianity, it's a version just like the King James Version of the Bible is a reinterpretation, translation, or revision of the Original.
"Every aspect has a an affect on the other." "Anytime something has been translated or revised from its original form it looses something in the process."
Dr. Josef A. A. Ben-Jochannan, in his book “The Need For A Black Bible,” states, “…magical (esoterical) religion has been one of mankind’s greatest emotional achievements, equally mankind’s greatest creation against peaceful coexistence between socio-political groupings.” He further states, that we must remove from ourselves the “mental shackle of esoterical religion.”
True. He definitely was a believer. Sunday the worship of the sun is kinda right. We worship the Son of Righteousness.
True... However, I respectfullly caution the worship my sista but I praise, believe in and I am thankful for the Son of Righteousness. Because he was a life giving Son and light giving Sun. I worhship the Fathe God alone for He is the One that sent the Son and gave us the Sun.
So if I go to church on Sunday. I know I am not worshipping the sun. Even though the tradition was inspired to. I am in my prostrate before the God I know who has revealed himself to me.
Always love talking to you L. Thank you for respecting my thoughts.
And you as well... I love the dialog, it pushes me to stretch even further! I'm sure glad you Believe the way you do because so many of our brothers & sisters are trying to find their way and we need more Sista Soilders like you on the planet to help us Brothas defeat Satan and the lies that have been established to hide the True & Living God from us!
Good to remember that the Christian Faith was not formed in a vaccum but in a community of various faiths so different practices were absorbed into our pracitces. This does not make the faith false but rather shows its ability to becaome part of a community of many faiths and maintain its major tenents. As for the other points made...that is majoring in the minor for me as a Christian (but I will engage in a healthy debate for the sake of an academic workout). All belief systems must deal with centuries of translation which is why we practice our FAITH.
No doubt... U hit the nail on the head as usual my sista!!! I don't believe they are three separate entites also but they are not the same physically. In the spiritual form of things yes they are One with God being the Supreme of all three... but my question is where is the Woman in all of this. That's the problem I have with the Council of Nicea that Constantine set up to establish this belief. We know from historical research, yes he was a Beleiver but we do know there was some supremacist, misogynitic and pegan philosophies that were hidden in the set up and translation of that Council. Hence the image of Christ being Caucasian!
Sis. Rev. Dr. Val: I agree to an extent and one of the ways we as Blacks have been able to survive this long is based on your statement. However, the context of how things have been established does present a major problem for me because the masees of our people to continue to perish from a lack of knowledge--us as the learned of our people can break down scripture because of our training and consistent study but the majority of our people take it for face value w/o doing the research just because Rev. So ren So said so! Furthermore, we are in worst condition than we've ever been in during any time of our history in the World and especially here in N. America. So, yes we must deal with centuries of translation but we must attempt to get to the root or heart of things in order to completely be freed from the mental, spiritual, historical, and physical devestation that we have endured for over 400 yrs now. And get back to the middle like Sis. Indie suggested.
BTW: I love the term "academic workout!"
Well said....The answer for me is understanding The Most High and who we are in our creator and how that is to be manifested in our daily lives and communities. We could spend another 4 centuries trying to uncover, interpret, and pondtificate on the facts of our faith (facts are the enemy of Truth). Yes, Hell Yes - it is timeout for these unlearned, non-curious, lazy, non-questioning, unstudied, untrained, unread, disengaged, pompous, and, disinterested Religious Leaders who continue to scratch the itching ears of spiritually void people. Question - Are we yet emptied enough and longing for our lost connection with our God enough to turn from our "wicked ways" and seek our God?
I agree. The truth is not to get lost in the interpretations. Everyone has a different one. It is about knowing Him.
True that is why we must catch the Spirit of it. Not focus on the content as a means to be close to God. Use it as a tool to understand how others were affected by God. I believe the trinity was established by the Nicene Creed. It was a lot of heresy or misunderstanding of scripture so the had a council to establish fundamental truths.
I believe God is the Spirit, the father, n son. Each being an authentic expression. I don't think he is three separate entities operating side by side.
You definitely lose something with translation. I think the point is important to grasp. God's love an unconditional acceptance has been made available through atonement or at one ment which is Christ death. God told me that the Bible is a preview and keeps people from experiencing power bc they believe it is in the future. But true life and ability with God is manifested when 1 knows they are 1 with him.
If you say Jesus means Hail Zeus. Or God is the God of Oden who's son is Thor. I don't get caught up in the words. I worship the Divine. The Jehovah Elohim is not restricted by my words or traditions. He is not limited by them either. It is us that try to avoid what he likes or dislikes to be pleasing n right standing with him. Jesus' or Yeshua' or Joshua's message is that there is only one way to please God, believe. The true worshipers of God will worship him in Spirit n in truth. Worship is more than a day, a time in a building. Procunia means to be prostate in your heart.
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