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The Spiritual Institute of Divine Teachings (c)

The Declaration & Decree Prayer Petition for Harmonious Living for All Humanity 

The Spiritual Institute of Divine Teachings © is an non-for-profit organization of people who are students of various Divine scriptures and teachings who cross generational, religious, and cultural gaps to reveal the linkages between all Believers of the Universal Divine Creator/One God of the Universe regardless of your paradigm of knowledge and/or thought in order promote Universal Unity, Harmony and Healing.

Opening Invitatory Decree Prayer: 

We believe in The Most High God, The One God, Maker, Owner, Master Creator of the entire Universe regardless of the many names we call Him/Her.  In having acknowledged so; let us UNITE on that foundation so that we will no longer allow our differences in morals, culture, faith tradition(s), dogma; and most of all, our ignorance keep us from the true Essence and Glory of The One God—embracing one another as righteous members of the Human Family.   

Amen/Ameen/Ashe (It Is So, So Be It, So Shall It Be)

The Four Cornerstones Decree:

1.) We humbly contend that the Universal Divine Source, Force, Power and Authority is the same Universal Divine Creator or One God of the entire Universe.  The Universal Divine Creator is the Universal Governing Divine Source, Force, Power and Authority of and over the entire Human Family and beyond.

2.) We respect the works and contributions of all people of good will and intentions whether of traditional or non-traditional faith or belief systems.
3.) We contend the scriptures of the Torah, Gospel, and Qur’an are the inspired Word of The One God although they have been tampered with and misinterpreted by man.  In spite of the latter, we contend these Holy Scriptures have truth, light, wisdom, and understanding that allows us to gain insight and clarity when properly interpreted and discerned.  Furthermore, we contend that all people can learn something of value and benefit from other religious and/or philosophical discourse and/or traditions that may not be one's frame of understanding or reference.  We contend all said traditions and discourse have come to the Universe for the greater good of humanity.

4.) We desire to play a role in the Creators' redemptive plan to bring complete Freedom, Justice, Equality, Love, Joy, Hope, Peace, Prosperity and Purpose back to the entire Human Family. 

a.)    We are soldiers in the fight to resist and destroy evil where ever it may exist in the Universe.

The Decree and Declaration of Beliefs, Aim and Purpose 

We respect and believe in the freedom, justice, and equality of all people regardless of race, creed, and color, social, economic, gender, sexual orientation, political, or religious affiliation. 

We believe in Universal Liberation Theology as "a rational study of the being of God in the world in light of the existential situation of an oppressed community, relating the forces of liberation to the essence" of all Divine teachings which interprets those paradigm(s) of knowledge and thought in terms of a liberation platform that allow all oppressed people to be liberated and vindicated from multiple forms of bondage, confusion, division, and group think; whether it be political, social, religious, economic, gender, ethnic or culturally related.

We are adamantly opposed to the divisions that exist between the members of Human Family because of ethnic, cultural, political, social, economic, religious, spiritual, philosophical, denominational, sects, or party differences.   

We stand up and speak out against unjust economic, political, social, gender, racial and religious conditions that afflict the whole of humanity.

We seek a higher standard of living on the planet, which produces and promotes a complete Freedom, Justice, Equality, Love, Joy, Hope, Peace, Prosperity and Purpose to the entire Human Family.  Rather than the current paradigm of strife, confusion, disorder, quarrels, bitterness, misunderstanding, imbalance and pure evil.  

We believe in working towards the uplift of the whole of humanity that provides a higher understanding that produces 'overstanding' (insight) of The Universal Divine Creator/One God that insures the greater moral good of all mankind.

We believe in sound moral character which allows us to respect and obey the laws of the land in which we reside. Therefore, we contend that The Universal Divine Creator/One God is the Creator of all living things and that we fear none but Him/Her who is the source of our existence.

We are willing to work with any group, organization, or person(s) regardless of race, creed, and color, social, economic, political, or religious affiliation. On the bases that The Universal Divine Creator is One and that He/Her is the Maker and Master of all mankind.

Amen/Ameen/Ashe’ (It Is So, So Be It, So Shall It Be)

Various excerpts of statements made about The Oneness of The Universal Creator and/or Unity of All Humanity.


What good are the divine teachings if you don't read and study them?


If Abraham/Ibrahim, Moshe/Moses, Yeshua/Jesus, and Muhmmad Ibn Abdullah (PBUT).... If these great men were on this stage today not one of would be at variance with the other--they all belonged to the same school..." -HMLF

When there is peace among religions, there will be peace in the world. ~Dalai Lama

"I really honestly don't give a damn at this point in my development... at this point in my development I don't really care if you are a Christian, a Muslim, or Hebrew Israelite, etc. if it's working for you and it's helping you to make it throughout each day and you are achieving in life successfully with the paradigm of thought you have, Ashe (So Be It)."  -Pastor Dr. Ray Hagins

You have to create problems to create profit. There is no profit under the current paradigm in saving lives, putting balance on this planet, having justice and peace or anything else. There is just no profit there."- Michael Ruppert

This current world system could give a damn about religion, freedom, justice, and equality for all. All this world cares about is domination, control, money, and power for a few... but keeps the masses of poor and middle class folk whether Black, Brown, Red, Yellow, or White with indefference & hatred for each other over foolishness--while they run the entire world!!!!!! -Bro. Lamon

The reason I believe in unity among the various faith traditions especially those of the three Abrahamic Faiths is because Satan, the Devil, Shaitan, Beelzebub, the Evil One, etc. has the whole world of religion blinded like the Sons of God in the book of Job (who didn't even know Satan had come with them). This is all because of fervent arguments over doctrines and dogmas that keep our attention off of our common open enemy, which also keeps us from uniting to destroy this evil world along with the Satanic mind that purveys in it. So, if you are person who loves truth that stands against the wiles of Satan (the Evil One), then it shouldn't matter what you call yourself or (I call myself) in terms of a religious title. ~Bro. Lamon

The Spiritual Institute of Divine Teachings established April 19th, 2006

The Spiritual Institute of Divine Teachings © updated 2012

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