"God damn America..." the powerful words Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. got lambasted for during the historic 2008 Presidential race that produced America's first Black President. The speech that Rev. Wright gave was actually much more poignant than just the two minute sound bite that was presented to the public. It actually expressed the sentiments that most Americans share whom have been poor, oppressed, and marginalized by her ugly past and present. Today, I was sent the Pledge of Allegiance by a friend of mine from the "baby boomer," generation that made me reflect on growing up in America as a young black male who is apart of "Gen X." A pledge that we hardly hear anymore today especially in schools where it was a standard part of our daily lives as adolescents.

The message that my friend sent was plain and very straight to the point, she states as follows: "
I am an UN-APOLOGETIC AMERICAN!! I pledge allegiance to the flag of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation under GOD, indivisible, with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for all!! I grew up reciting this every morning in school. We no longer do that for fear of OFFENDING SOMEONE!! Let's see how many AMERICANS will re-post this & not care about offending someone." As a young African American male in America, I know her ugly and shameful history where we as Blacks, the Native Americans and other poor and oppressed people are concerned. We have a stake in this thing too so it is never wrong for us to pledge allegiance to a flag that has systematically sniped us out. Moreover, this is the only land that I know and the land that my ancestors help build, bled, & died for. Although I may not be in agreement with her biased and unfair laws, tactics, policies, and practices--I can respect and honor the country of my birth and want for her wholeheartedly what the pledge states In my opinion that is what Rev. Wright was challenging--challenging America to be what she said she would be for all Americans! True Americans like us don't exist anymore... because it's hard for some that are among us to accept that Liberty & Justice is for ALL not a few or some but ALL!!!
Yes, it is hard for some to accept her ugly history and therefore can never be honest without trying to sweep her ugly past under a rug. When those of us who speak up and expose her ugly truth--we are deemed as un-American and unpatriotic. Fredrick Douglass said it best "A true patriot is a lover of his country who rebukes and does not excuse its sins." For America to truly get back to being a standard barer among the world's nations she must be allowed to face the truths of her history and allow God back into the picture. For if she doesn't, she will continue to rapidly fall and fail in all areas of her existence and will no longer be the world power that she is perceived to be. I leave you with these words by one of her founding father's who understood the consequences very profoundly, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever."
1 comment:
Amen... America has lost this vision... I call this remembering history
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