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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Black Business: Why Blacks don't support Black Businesses?

Why Blacks don't support Black Businesses?

According to late psychologist Dr. Amos Wilson "Identity is essential to economics..." In other words, if one does not identity with one's culture its easy to spend your money with others. African American businesses often fail because we no longer identify with being Black holistically.  We've been Americanized in a way that has taken us from the idea of collective work & responsibility (Ujima) and cooperative economics (Ujamaa) as a people.  You darn for sure won't see the Chinese spending a ton of money outside of their community.

Dr. Umar Johnson says "teaching your child that they have a shared identity with their enemy is one of the worst things you can do."  Essentially, what Johnson is saying is, by assimilating ourselves into a system that constantly and consistently attacks Black culture, we are serving a death sentence.  Question is like Joe Madison - "The Black Eagle" often asks "What are you (we) gonna do about it?"  And, the reality is, we can do something about it, if we so choose, in spite of the obstacles.  


Aasia said...

Hey, we have a mutual friend
He passed away yesterday very suddenly. and I thought you should know. You have my email if you want to get in tough. Peace Aasia

The Brotha's Corner said...

Thank you sister, I received word. I'm still trippn' out!

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