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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Traditional Thinking Part 1

Traditional Thinking...

The prelude of my accepting my journey and calling in to ministry and attending seminary... WOW! I was fighting the modern day Jonah in me at the time! 4/11/12

This is in response to dialogue b/t myself and a sista who's in seminary school in NYC. We were discussing seminary schools, traditional religious thought and the Importance of Jesus. I thought it was so powerful that it should be posted Thanks for the insightful discourse sista!!!

Sistas words... "Most Master's Programs for Seminaries are diverse, this one is based on the Christian faith but the professors CHALLENGE you to look outside of Christianity to consider what was happening in world outside of Christianity. And, I LOVE that!!! I have seen many African American students that grew up in the Christian faith (especially Baptist, Pentecostal, etc) struggle with looking outside of Christianity because that's all they know...but it's a wonderful learning experience to do so

My response I've looked at schools all over the country to be honest. Yeah, many of us who grow up in the Christian faith tend to think just how you explained and it bothers me! I love the works of Christ and honor his name--however I feel our people are so fixated with Christ we tend to loose focus of the one who sent him. In my humble estimation, it gives our people a blurry view of the power of his works and the scripture he brought.

It bothers me how some clergy teach Christ as some passive figure who didn't stand up for what he was sent to do and fulfill. I guess some would say I'm a radical Believer like a Nat Turner, Dr. King in his last years, or Min. Malcolm X. However so, change only comes from the force and power of truth and Christ was the greatest example of that!!!

Sistas words... "I am so feeling what you are saying! YESSSS!!! People forget about God...and the power of God. And, Jesus is a powerful figure because he stood of for JUSTICE and TRUTH... and was radical about it!

I did a paper for one of my classes entitled "Exposing Repression through Redaction using Exegesis" where I talked about how the biblical text has been redacted so much by people that it was used as an oppressive tool for many people especially women. More specifically, denying the presence of femininity of the deity...where women could relate to God. God, as portrayed by the biblical writers, is the forceful, powerful male figure/deity that judges, etc... and the question is... Is that REALLY who God is?

After being exposed to greater theological thinking, it just scares me to know how much stock people put in the Bible... that was written by man... than the God that gives us the faith to achieve anything that we want."

My response WOW!!! Powerful... and I'm feeling u too!!! Many people forget about how scripture has been used to oppress, suppress, depress, and subjugate people to away of thinking that is in direct conflict with the scriptural teachings. For instance, I have disagreements with the work of some Missionaries in Indigenous lands. The Bible has been used in many cases to pimp the people!

Although, I believe a new paradigm shift is happening in religion because those who were once asleep are now beginning to see scripture in context outside of what has been the norm. Those who have been in control are scared of this new shift and that's why I believe the stakes have raised recently on a spiritual level...

I'll get off my soapbox and not get to deep!!!

However, many forget it was God who gave Christ the power and authority to do the things he did. We believe that Christ "paid it all," when he died for us... but that is only half of the story... he did pay it all for us however we still have to work and show ourselves approved!!! It's the walk, the carrying of our own cross and I think we forget that half!!!

Sistas words... "So, true. Preachers must realized that they cripple people more with traditional thinking rather seeking out new knowledge. Wow! You've said a lot. It's okay... I was on my own soapbox earlier with my friends. LOL It seems like you will be a great asset to whatever seminary you attend. Because you are coming in the door with an open mind. And, that's WONDERFUL!!!"

Comments about the blog:

Krystal with an "E" writes:

I don't belive that I have enough words in my vocabulary or a substansial amount of room to write how I felt reading this astounding blog!

But I will say that if we as the "African-American", "Black", "Minority", "Melenan-Abundant", "Challenged Race", Or the human race period; if we would have discussions more about serious topics like this we would find less times for all that other non-sense.

Keep expressing your self brother.

Bro. Hydrofuse writes:

I concur to the fullest!!! Man, we are the true leaders of our community! First, we must attempt to heal ourselves mentally, spiritually, physically, socially, and economically. Secondly, we must not discrimate against any help or calls for assistance from any one making an attempt to better themselves. I love my race, but it's too many so called bro's holding down the one that really wants a positive change in his or her life. Man, we can speak eloquently and make all types of conversation, but until we make a clique or build a school, farm, more media or t.v. stations, and unite the common blackman in Africa and all over the world, we are wasting our time. I believe securing land and a strong diet is the first step in awaking the sleeping lion in the black man

Circa April 2006 Lamon Caldwell II

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