"It is clear to me that those who are getting paid off of our ignorance are gonna try to keep us in that state of being as long as they can..." READY4REVELATION
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"I See The World In My Eyes." -Lost Smile |
As believers and followers of Almighty God or as righteous members of the Human Family, we must look beyond the labels, titles, words, etc. that have been created by which we identity each other.. Satan, or the universal paradigm of evil, who is the Arch Deceiver of the whole world has us perplexed in continued strife with one another, mostly based on how we view one another. When we see each other through the eyes of religion, tradition, race, gender or class, etc. we don't see the "Glory of God, " as it says in the scriptures or beauty, in one another that we all were created to be. We set up lines of limitation and division based upon our limited scope of understanding of one another. Thus, we draw further and further away from the universal divine laws and principles established in the universe long before any written scriptures came to be.
God doesn't care what you or I call ourselves! He only cares that you Believe in Him, heed the universal laws of peace and love, heed words of the prophets and or wise one's that have come among us and follow the righteous and loving examples of those He has sent among us! Evil and the architects of evil only care what we call ourselves so the continuation of division, strife and chaos can continue to distract and deceive us from pursing God; and the universal laws of high moral and principle with a "Road-Runner" like speed, which will surely end this worlds current way of doing things that go against the original Divine order of how things were meant to be.
Ashe' -Bro. Lamon
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"Road-Runner Like Speed" |
Ashe' -Bro. Lamon
Scriptural & Literary Support:
If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth (1 John 1:6 NIV).
Those who say, “I love God,” and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen (1 John 4:20 NRSV).
And when he turns back, he runs along in the land that he may cause mischief in it and destroy the tilth and the stock, and Allah (God) does not love mischief-making (HQ 2:205).
O you who believe! do not take your fathers and your brothers for guardians if they love unbelief more than belief; and whoever of you takes them for a guardian, these it is that are the unjust (HQ 9:23).
All three Holy Books describe the human family as "The Glory of God," but how can we truly be the Glory of God if we continue to allow spiritual stagnation to hinder us? If we truly say that we are followers of Jesus Christ, then we will not be afraid to do what Jesus did, say what Jesus said, and pick up our cross. "Even though humans are referred to in the scriptures as 'The Glory of God,' many fail to recognize the divinity that exists within. -Min. Farrakhan -Taken form from The Brotha's Corner 11/16/11 blog entry: Baby Spiritual Food vs Mature Spiritual Food Pt 2: Bewae! *Click the link below to go to blog: http://thebrotha1.blogspot.com/2011/11/baby-spritual-food-vs-mature-spiritual_16.htmlGod has never created anything that is mediocre, The Qur’an and the Bible says everything that God creates glorifies Him, but man and woman are referred to as 'The Glory of God.' That’s who you are, but you have not recognized how great you are. Everything that God has created is marked with excellence. Then how could we be 'The Glory of God' and not have within us gifts from Him that will manifest His presence?” -Farrakhan
You have to create problems to create profit. There is no profit under the current paradigm in saving lives, putting balance on this planet, having justice and peace or anything else. There is just no profit there." - Michael Ruppert
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