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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Total Tuesday! What are you totally sold out for?

Many of us go through life never obtaining the things we truly desire whether it's a need or a want. I always hear people at times including myself saying things like "if I was rich, I'd do this or that," "I wish I'd hit the lottery, so I can...," and "if I had a better job, I'd..." These type of statements have led me to believe we often get the things we want mixed up with the things we need. Perhaps this is so, is because we tend to believe that our wants are a "cure-all" for the things we need. When in fact the opposite is true from my point of view. I believe, you get what you need first then get what you want second. In other words, "First deserve then desire."

Moreover, seeking the desires that we truly want versus seeking the desires we truly need can ultimately hender us if we don't have our priorties straight. For example, I need health, wealth, clothing, and shelter but I want a Maybach and a 100 foot yacht. If I buy the car and the yacht first but my health is in question or I go into debt because I'm living beyond my means. What does that say about my priorties? Of course there's nothing wrong with having great material possessions but they are not the things that truly substain me.

There are times in life, when circumstances pop up that are out of and in our control which hender us from reaching our true desires. In life, it is obviously difficult to control a situation that is out of our control and not allow it to effect us. Now, there's indeed a problem when we allow circumstances that we have a handle on stop us from reaching our desires. Personally, I tend to believe it's because we're not "totally sold out" for the type of lifestyle we truly want to live. Regardless, if it's having finacial security, your dream career or car, or spiritual bliss. One must ask him/herself daily, "am I truly doing all I can to achieve the lifestyle I deeply desire." If you can answer that question honestly then you are on the right track. If not, then you'll be the one still wishing "if I only had..." The one thing that Russell Simmons, Oprah, Dr. Cornel West and Dr. Farrah Gray seem to have in common is; they all are "totally sold out," for the type of lifestyle that they lead. So, I ask again: What are you totally sold out for?

I'll close with a few quotes from some insightful friends of mine that sum up Total Tuesday much better than I could have!

Realizing how short life truly is & how much of it we waste on things and people that aren't worthy. It's like wheat & a pare. They are identical as they grow but it is not until after they are fully developed that you realize the difference as the pare sucks the ground dry & the wheat nourishes everything around it. ...Eat your Wheaties beautiful people! :-) -Aricka Spencer

PLEASE, know that your power is GREAT! Know that yoU can have everything yoU desire. Your feelings are your moment by moment indicator of 'if you're moving in the best direction'... if you feel good, keep doing what you're doing... if you feel bad, simply make another choice :-) -La Rivers

Stop blaming the enemy and the Devil for what you do. That was ALL you! -Kathy Bracy

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