Many people are blasting Seahawks defensive back Richard Sherman over his so-called "rant" after the Seahawks Superbowl win. He's been called every derogatory racial slur on the planet. According to reports he is being referred to as a "thug," "crazy man," "gangsta," "dangerous" and last but never least the proverbial "n-word." Now, as a former football player and current coach, I know what it means to play with heart and passion. When you have a competitive spirit, you compete, it's that plain and simple. Guys talk all type of smack in the game of sports on and off the field. It's part of the culture!
Now, do I agree with the many who said his remarks were mistimed, absolutely, but it is what it is, and what is is the game of football. Trash talking is a part of the culture of sports as mentioned above. While critics blasted the likes of Tom Brady (cursed out a referee), John Mcenroe (Classic rant on umpires) Coach Bobby Knight (Throwing chairs), and Coach Mike Gundy (I'm 40, I'm a man) for their rants. All of these individuals (who are White) were romanticized, and never forced to endure the type of derogatory onslaughts that Sherman and other Black athletes endure. Paraphrasing radio talk show host Joe Madison "If you're white it's alright, and if you're black it's not."
Let me switch to my social scientist hat... If you think we live in a post racial America I must say with all due respect-Stop Thinking It! Many people say "African Americans are always playing the race card." But, in all candor, I submit the card cannot be played if it is not in the deck. Black athletes have always been categorically castigated--while our white counterparts are romanticized. Think about some of the greatest rants in sports history. Sherman's exuberance is right in step with the same exuberance that a Serena Williams or Muhammad Ali exclaimed when they won. Ali was dragged through the media during his day, and he too, while not college educated was highly intelligent. America had never seen anything like the bold and charismatic Ali--Ali "shuck up the world," and the labeling of the African American athlete began. Sherman who grew up in Compton is being labeled as "America's New Thug." Never mind the fact that Sherman graduated from high school with a 4.0 GPA and went on to Standford to earn a 3.9 GPA--he's still a THUG!
In the words of Muhammad Ali according to Minister Louis Farrakhan during a conversation they had some years back--"The Champ" uttered these words "Still a nigger, brother." What Ali was saying to Farrakhan was that no matter how far African Americans have come in American life we are still thought of as "niggers." Like blogger Olivia A. Cole wonders, I too am wondering " what it takes for a black man to be regarded as human in America." The categorical castigation of Black males continues and is a result of the perverted mind of white supremacy. I know many think we live in a post racial society, but the dominate power structure can't let it (power) go. The dehumanization of black males continues, and the idea of black male masculinity being seen as dangerous, obtrusive, and thuggish is woven in to the racial tapestry of American life.