Spirituality is a way of excepting the fact that there is a spiritual force in the universe larger than all of mankind. But someone had to come along and invent a word called God. Then some had to serve another God and say mine is better than yours, and some had to create faith, someone said I have the true faith.”— Dr. John Henrik Clarke
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The Three Faiths |
The above statement by Our Great Scholar & Historian, Dr. Clarke makes one ponder and reason... the disunity, discord, and bitterness among "God's Chosen People," "Glory of God," and/or "The Human Family" that we the members of "The Human Family," are described as, in both the scriptures of the Bible and Qur'an. This disconnect, strife, and quarreling among those especially, who are Jews, Christians, and Muslims is so appalling that it makes me sick to my stomach! Especially, in the present context of evil machination, mendacity, and moral decadence that we are all experiencing and being subjected to on some level today, knowingly or unknowingly; willingly or unwillingly.
I can see why so many youth and people in general are turned off by religion. The Enemy of us all is so deceptively wicked and wise that the world of religion and faith has fallen on its death bed! It gives no hope to a people yearning for hope and like Min. Farrakhan said "Even if God were to intervene in our affairs and raise among us a divine light for us--we would be in such darkness that the light would be among us, and we would not be able to comprehend the presence of the light..." So, true indeed...
Today, there is a crop of Visionary Leaders coming out of the synagogue, temple, church, mosque, and perhaps more importantly "The Streets," today, whom have not fallen prey to the Enemy's trick that will restore Right Order and Balance to this Planet once again... Time Is Now!
The God above will not refrain any longer from bringing wrath to this "hell of a place," which will destroy, and that is destroying the idea of evil machination, mendacity, and moral decadence on this planet. Making way for the establishment of a complete Freedom, Justice, and Equality to reign once again, wherein all people can live among one another under the banner of true Peace! -The Brotha