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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Food for Thought for the Faith Community...

"Jesus was not Christian! He didn't come to start a religious institution. The religious idea of Jesus came later. Jesus came to destroy that system, and let the Idea of God out of the psychological box that self-righteous men had placed Him in, and the world perceived Him in.  Now we understand that NO ONE holds a monopoly on God! God is free for all to experience and enjoy. Let all the thirsty come and drink freely!"  What's more diabolical than a lie is when a portion of the truth is presented as if it were the whole thing. This is true in regard to man's experience with God and revelation. Man receives a brief glimpse of a portion of God and is so overwhelmed and impassioned that he expresses it to the world and unequivocally believes that his minuscule perception of God is all that there is of God. When in truth (as it was with Moses) He only briefly saw the shadow of God pass by, and it was dark. No doubt, there may have been no greater revelation at the time. But now, there is so much more of God to see. 

 Moses new nothing about God compared to the revelation that is now available.  Mankind is ready to see the paramount picture. It's time for us to get a grip! It's time to let go of old sentiments, veiled references, and crumbs that fell from the table. Embrace a greater hope and a brand new day! A day where you listen to your heart and realize that yesterday's truths can be darker than a lie. Yesterday's blessing is today's curse. Let it all go! Don't be afraid to use your brain. The Word of God is the Logos (Logic). There is a deep Logic that you know and it dwells within you. We ignore it because it threatens what we hold dear, what we cherish as most sacred. Don't be afraid. That logos is the voice of the Lord breaking past the crust of what the establishment has encroached upon our minds.  Challenge what you have always believed. Judge them on the great white throne of your mind and spirit. Does it really make sense? Does it really make Logos? Does your heart give you a resounding YES! Or, is it muffled because you are afraid to rock the boat? Don't be a coward! This spirit of truth will bare witness to the truth. Pull off those blinders! Take off those shades! Remove those glasses! You can see! Be healed!

They gave us a distorted and disfigured image. Let the water of the word wash over your eyes! Set your heart to discover the truth and dip in that holy pool, that oasis within you and come again seeing! Be courageous. You are not alone. God is THE TRUTH. And He loves and will help all those who are seeking Him. He cannot fail. He will not ever let you fall. Trust Him today. -(Dr. Nathaniel Duffey III)



The Brotha's Corner said...

This type of thinking upsets the world of traditional religion as we know it! It turns Satan's world upside down because he is the author of the confusion that has the whole world of religion in chaos today and has mankind not being the best example of the Almighty that we can be! To God Be The Glory for this kind of teachin'-n- preachin'!!!

Farrakhan Speaks said...

How can anyone serve God in ignorance?” the Minister asked. “Ignorance is the enemy of God. Knowledge will make us the friend of God and it will allow us to befriend one another, therefore all of the prophets taught us to get knowledge,” -Farrakhan

“No human should be afraid to know more. No human being should feel threatened by one who possesses knowledge,” said Min. Farrakhan. “So much ignorance exists that all of us who know whatever degree of knowledge we have, we have a responsibility to those who do not know to share that knowledge not seeking to make them our followers or slaves but share knowledge to improve them spiritually (and) mentally that they may improve themselves socially, politically, economically and otherwise,” he said. *Excerpts from Holy Day of Atonement Speech 2010

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